
Getting back to the musical tale; the cuckoo that you are most likely to hear, sitting in your houses is the Asian Koel (Eudynamys scolopacea). The all-black male has a sweet
‘ku-ooo... ku-ooo’ call which is repeated continuously in the summer months. The female, on the other hand, has a harsh and ‘domineering’ voice. Unlike other cuckoos, this species is not difficult to find and can be heard throughout the year (others are silent in winter). Another cuckoo, that you might find near your houses is the Greater Coucal (Centropus sinensis), locally called Bhardwaj. It is a large, aggressive looking and non-parasitic (builds a nest of its own) cuckoo with a heavy booming voice. Though shy, it is commonly seen and heard (often in winters). Its chestnut wings contrasting with its black body give it a well-deserved name- Crow pheasant.

The Eurasian Cuckoo (Cuculus canorus) is perhaps the bird from which the name ‘cuckoo’ has been derived. Its call, a plain ‘cuck-oo…cuck-oo’ is repeated monotonously. My very first sighting of this bird has been most memorable. It happened when my brother, I and another friend of ours; all three of whom were new to birding, had set off to Telangkhedi Lake in Nagpur. Suddenly this bird emerged from nowhere and left us
with wide mouths and scratchy heads as we tried to identify it. But in the very next moment, the bird said “cuck-oo” and flitted away. Our doubt was resolved! Its more secretive cousin, and my personal favourite- the Indian Cuckoo (C. micropterus) is the most melodious of all the cuckoos I have heard so far. Its call can be interpreted in many ways (like ‘crossword-puzzle’ by Dr. Salim Ali) When I went to Pench Tiger Reserve, Maharashtra to volunteer for the waterhole census, I spent the entire night listening to this bird and the Common Hawk Cuckoo. One gave me a ‘brain fever’, while the other cured it! I also saw a male courting a female at dusk from a close range; and that is when I realized how loud cuckoos actually are.
So far I have seen only two more cuckoos in my
life- the Drongo Cuckoo (Surniculus lugubris) and Grey-bellied Cuckoo (Cacomantis passerinus). The Drongo Cuckoo is a special bird for all those lucky Nagpurians who had seen it at the Botanical Garden as it was a new record for our city. Its melodious whistle- ‘pi-pi-pi-pi-pip’, a collection of ascending notes is constantly uttered. I still remember the day when one of these birds, without any ‘stage phobia’ gave us a live performance. We gathered under it and recorded its call with our cell phones. Now it has become a famous ringtone! On the other hand, the Grey-bellied Cuckoo’s call is a loud ‘pee-pipeee’ in a somewhat complaining tone.

So far I have seen only two more cuckoos in my

As winter ceases to recede, there is a lot of music in store for the next season. Thinking about the months to come, my enthusiasm goes high with the hope of seeing and hearing more of those musical tunes and their rightful owners. With an inborn singing talent, cuckoos indeed are wonders of the natural world.